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Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Morris Dwarf'

Morris Dwarf Boxwood

Saunders Brothers has discontinued growing this variety in favor of better performing boxwood. Please see additional information for recommended substitutes.

An excellent performing cultivar that is very compact and sun tolerant. It is outstanding for edging formal beds or in parterre gardens. Responds well when pruned or when left unpruned.

  • »  Very slow growth rate; 0.5"-1" per year

  • Category:Shrubs
  • Hardiness Zone:6-8
  • Tall:1 Feet
  • Wide:1-2 Feet

Additional Information about Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Morris Dwarf'

Recommended Substitutes: 'Morris Midget', 'Grace Hendrick Phillips', 'Green Pillow'

Growing & Maintenance Tips for Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Morris Dwarf'

Morris Dwarf’ requires little to no pruning when used as a specimen. It responds well to shearing when used in edging, parterres, and knot gardens.   Thinning is recommended in late winter or early spring which will help reduce chance of disease. Remove undesirable sports with hand pruners by cutting sporting stems back into the interior of the plant.

‘Morris Dwarf’ is very resistant to boxwood leaf miner but very susceptible to boxwood blight. It has few pest or disease issues when planted and cared for properly.

Interesting Notes about Buxus microphylla var. japonica 'Morris Dwarf'

We have seen it in numerous full sun landscapes but, for optimal beauty, plant it so it receives at least afternoon shade. Remember it is a dwarf boxwood and you must be patient with its growth. ‘Morris Dwarf’ were planted in a stunning knot garden at Mount Vernon, VA.Uses - Small specimen, low hedge, edging, parterre or knot garden.

Substitutes - ‘Morris Midget’, 'Grace H. Phillips’, 'Green Pillow’