Welcome to Saunders Brothers
A Family Tradition
Since 1915 when brothers Sam, Dick, Doc, William, and Massie formed a partnership, family has been the center of our business. The brothers stood for integrity, morality and honesty. Business deals were made with a handshake or by a man’s word.
Featured Plants
Low Scape Mound® is a new Chokeberry that has a low mounding habit which makes it quite unique. It still has the toughness as the native species so it will thrive almost anywhere. Dainty white flowers adorn the shrub in the spring atop glossy green foliage. Attractive in the fall with brilliant red foliage and purple-black fruit. A great addition in the landscape. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Featured Plants
A fast growing blueberry that maintains a compact shape. Unlicensed propagation prohibited.
Vaccinium corymbosum hybrid 'Corablue' PP22521 Bushel and Berry® Blueberry Buckle®
Featured Plants
Seven-Son Flower
Easy to grow small tree which simply can't be matched for year-round beauty. In spring, the handsome leaves emerge, each sporting dramatically deep veins that make the plant stand out in the landscape. As the season progresses, the leaves grow larger and develop a long, twisting tip. Come August, when everything else is winding down, Temple of Bloom seven-son flower is just coming into its own, as it becomes covered in big clusters of fragrant white flowers that hummingbirds and other pollinators flock to. They last for weeks before gracefully falling to the ground to reveal vivid red, fan-like bracts, which make it look like the plant is blooming again in a completely different color. As winter comes and the leaves drop, the plant's elegant frame is revealed, along with amazing light tan peeling bark.
Heptacodium miconioides 'SMNHMRF' PP30763 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Temple of Bloom®
Featured Plants
Perfecto Mundo® Double Pink Azalea
These azaleas bloom for months, have big, full flowers with pure and true colors, and resist pests and diseases. This innovative series combines peerless performance with lacebug resistance. Perfecto Mundo Double Pink azalea is a neat, rounded shrub that's covered with double pink blooms in spring, but then after a brief rest, begins blooming again in mid summer and continues through frost.
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