Welcome to Saunders Brothers
A Family Tradition
Since 1915 when brothers Sam, Dick, Doc, William, and Massie formed a partnership, family has been the center of our business. The brothers stood for integrity, morality and honesty. Business deals were made with a handshake or by a man’s word.
Featured Plants
Little Bluestem
'Standing Ovation' keeps a tight, upright habit throughout the season. The sturdy, spiky stems start out bluish-green and mature in the fall with a brilliant display of oranges, reds, yellows, and purplish-browns.
Featured Plants
Little Missy is a compact rounded cultivar. It is extremely cold hardy and sun tolerant. It can be used in applications where a smaller plant is desired and it responds well to shearing. Deer resistant. Asexual propagation prohibited.
Featured Plants
Vigorous with larger than usual two-toned amber flowers that dance on thin stems in spring while small heart-shaped leaves emerge with a rosy blush that matures to green and then responds to the cool of autumn with a blush of orange.
Featured Plants
Panicle Hydrangea
This compact hydrangea offers a light show in flower form, with an array of changing flower colors as they age through cream to pink, then a punch-y red. Reblooms through the summer. Try it in containers for something completely different!
Hydrangea paniculata 'SMNHPH' PP33207 Proven Winners® Color Choice® Little Lime Punch®
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